Business Office

Business Office


  • Parking permits are now required, and parking rules will be enforced. Citations may occur for vehicles not displaying a valid parking permit. Purchased semester parking permits need to be picked up at the Business Office during operating hours.

  • Students who pay for ASO fees must present their student ID cards to the cashier to receive ASO membership stickers.

Payment Methods

Only cash, cashier’s check, and money order are accepted in person at the Business Office for all fee types except transcript, verification, and diploma fees.

Students may pay for their fees by credit/debit cards online on the Student Information System (SIS). Public access computers are available next to the Business Office for online payments.

Students may mail cashier’s check or money order to:

   West Los Angeles College
   Attn: Business Office
   9000 Overland Ave.
   Culver City, CA 90230

Please make the cashier’s check or money order payable to West Los Angeles College, and print the student ID number and the semester paid on the face of the check. Do NOT mail cash.

Parking Permits

Parking permits are now required, and parking rules will be enforced. Vehicles not displaying a valid parking permit may be cited. Vehicles parked in a faculty/staff parking space and not displaying an Employee Parking Permit may also be cited.

Semester Parking Permits

Fall and Spring semester parking permits are $27 for Preferred Parking, which includes the $7 ASO fee, or $20 for Regular Parking. Winter and Summer intersession parking permits are $10 for Preferred Parking and $7 for Regular Parking.

All semester parking permits must be picked up at the Business Office during operating hours. Please bring your student ID or another government-issued ID so our staff can verify your identity.

Daily Parking Permits

Daily parking permits can be purchased at pay stations located in the South Parking Structure, Lot 5, Lot 7, and PE Lot. The permit is $2.00 per day, and can be purchased with cash or credit/debit card. The pay stations currently do not accept Apple Pay or Google Pay.

Please visit the Parking Permits webpage for more detailed information.

Helpful Information

Please visit the Tuition & Fees webpage for detailed information.

Students may be eligible for enrollment fee waivers, officially known as the California College Promise Grant (CCPG), and other financial assistance if they apply for financial aid and/or participate in certain programs.

Please visit the Financial Aid website for more information.

LACCD charges mandatory $19 health fee per Fall and Spring semester, and $16 per Summer or Winter intersession for health supervision and services to all enrolled students except those who meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • depend exclusively on prayer for healing in accordance with the teaching of a bona fide religious sect;
  • attend classes under an approved apprenticeship training program;
  • are only enrolled in noncredit courses.

Please visit the Student Health Center webpage for more information on health services offered.

Reference: LACCD Board Policy 5030, Education Code Section 76355, and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, Section 54702

Associated Student Organization (ASO) fee of $7 per Fall/Spring semester and $3 per Summer/Winter semesters are automatically assessed to all students enrolled in credit courses. ASO membership provides students with preferred parking if purchased with a semester parking permit, the ability to join student government, access to ASO events, and other perks.

Students may opt out of the fee on their Student Information System before the start of each semester. Once the semester begins, students may only opt out of ASO fee for that semester at the Business Office. Opt-out for prior semesters are subject to ASO Office approval.

Students who pay for ASO fees must present their student ID cards to the cashier to receive ASO membership stickers. New student ID cards can currently be obtained at the Library in the HLRC Building.

Please visit the ASO webpage for more information on the Associated Student Organization.

LACCD charges $2 student representation fee per semester for all students enrolled in credit courses. The fee is collected to support student representation and advocacy before district, city, county, and state governments.

Students may refuse to pay the fee for religious, political, financial, or moral reasons, and must opt out on the Student Information System prior to the start of each semester.

Reference: California Education Code 76060.5

LACCD has transitioned to a new credit card processing service. Starting 08/20/2024, students will need to create a payment profile when making their initial payment.

Please review the Steps to Make an Online Payment file for detailed instructions.

LACCD has partnered with BankMobile to provide students with a faster and easier way to receive their refunds and financial aid payments. Students must select their refund preference through BankMobile for refunds to be processed smoothly.

Please visit the BankMobile webpage for more detailed information, and visit the BankMobile Refund Choices webpage to select refund preference.


Registration holds that prevent students from adding classes are placed on student accounts if the student's cumulative outstanding fee balance across all nine colleges at LACCD is greater than or equal to $100. The Business Office cannot remove the hold unless the student makes sufficient payment to decrease the total outstanding balance to below $100, or enroll in a Payment Plan and stay current with the scheduled payments.

LACCD is now offering no-interest payment plan for Fall and Spring semesters, to assist students with paying current semester outstanding fees. We highly recommend that you apply for financial aid first before you apply for a payment plan, in case you qualify for a fee waiver or grant.

Please visit the Payment Plan webpage for more detailed information.

Please visit the Refund Policies webpage for detailed information on refund policies for different types of fees.

For fee refunds, if the fees were paid by credit/debit card, refunds will be credited back to the card originally charged. Please allow for up to ten business days from the class drop date for the refund to be reflected on your credit/debit card account.

If the fees were paid by cash or check, refunds will be processed through BankMobile. Please visit the BankMobile webpage for more information on how to select your refund preference through BankMobile to ensure the refund is processed smoothly.

A 1098-T IRS form is issued to eligible students who paid out-of-pocket “qualified educational expenses” in the preceding tax year.

  • Qualified educational expenses include enrollment fees and nonresident tuition fees only.
  • Students who received California College Promise Grant (CCPG), formerly known as BOG Fee Waiver, to cover enrollment fees do not qualify to receive 1098-T forms.
  • Students with incorrect Social Security Number (SSN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in the Student Information System (SIS) will not receive a 1098-T form. Please contact the Admissions & Records Office to update the SSN/TIN, and notify the Business Office of the update.

Please review the 1098-T Form Information file for more information on how to obtain the 1098-T form for eligible students.

For information on how to log into the LACCD Student Information System (SIS), and/or reset the SIS password, please visit the Welcome Center webpage and scroll down to the corresponding sections.

Free Metro TAP cards can be obtained at the Welcome Center for eligible students. Please visit the Welcome Center webpage for more information.

Note: LACCD is temporarily pausing participation in COTOP.

The COTOP program is a method of collecting past due fees for the Los Angeles Community College District owed by former students. The West Los Angeles College Business Office reviews the accounts receivables and only submits those debts that are permitted to be collected through COTOP. Under the COTOP program, the Chancellor’s Office requests the Franchise Tax Board to offset (deduct) the amount owed to a district from the student/debtor’s personal state income tax refund, lottery winnings or other state refund.

Student accounts that have past due fees may be submitted to COTOP. This can include enrollment and associated fees incurred at West Los Angeles College. The West Los Angeles College Business Office will send out a letter to the last known address of a student, instructing the student that their past due fees may be sent to COTOP. The student then has 30 days to pay their fees in full.

Please be aware that this debt will NOT be submitted to any major credit agencies.

If a student’s past due fees are not paid in full in 30 days after the letters are sent out, the past due fee information will be submitted to the State of California COTOP. Please note that a 25% charge is added to all outstanding fees processed through COTOP.

For accounts payable-related inquiries, please email @email.

Office Hours

In-Person and Live Chat
Monday to Thursday: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Saturday, Sunday, & LACCD Holidays

Contact and Location

Phone: (310) 287-4262
Live Chat

Location: Student Services Building (SSB) 230