Military Students Outside Building

Cadet Program

MIssion Statement

Lead the fight to prevent crime and injustice. Enforce the law fairly and defend the rights of all. Partner with the people we serve to secure and promote safety in our communities.


The Cadet position is a student worker position with the Los Angeles Community College District assigned to a specific campus. Under the direction of the L.A. County Sheriff's Department and L.A. Community College District personnel, the campus Cadet position will provide a full range of services to the campus community. Cadets are non-sworn.

These services include, but are not limited to:

  • Answer phones, and assist callers as needed
  • Dispatch calls for service to the appropriate units
  • Respond to calls for service and assist Sheriff's personnel
  • Provide courtesy escorts
  • Lost property collection
  • Patrol the interior of the campus
  • Patrol the parking lots and ensure compliance of all parking rules and regulations, and issue citations to vehicles not in compliance.

This position may be assigned to assist with security for special events related to the College or the District, including special parking enforcement and traffic direction. Campus Cadets work 24/7, as well as holidays and weekends. Cadets receive related training necessary to perform the job.

Applicant Requirements

  • Enrolled in an Administration of Justice program, or other appropriate program, at a college within the District in accordance with regulations issued by the Chancellor.
  • Full time student (12 units) working part-time and enrolled in at least six (6) units (excluding community services classes) within the District.
  • Part-time student employed in a college work-study program and enrolled in six (6) units (excluding community services classes) within the District; or state or federal funds, or as otherwise provided by grants or other special funds, and enrolled in six (6) units (excluding community services classes) within the Los Angeles Community College District.
  • A strong interest in a law enforcement career.

LACCD Application

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Sundays: 24 HRS

TLC 1st floorNear parking lot 5


Phone: (310) 287- 4314
Phone: (310) 287- 4315