Finals + ASO Complimentary Beverage
Thursday, December 12, 2024
All Day
Campus Life
Finals + ASO Complimentary Beverage
Best wishes on your finals.
WLAC's ASO is grateful you are a part of our community and wants to show appreciation. Pick up a free beverage from PAWs during finals (Dec. 9 - 12) between 9:30 am - 7:00 pm
Free healthy snacks and to-go meals are available at the Wildcat's Den (CE 105A) from 10am - 12pm (Dec. 9 - 12)
AND...Hold Your Horses. Take a mini break with the mini horses visiting campus on Tuesday, December 10 from 11:30 to 1:00 on the Graduation Lawn. Food, drinks and great pics for your social.
Keep connected: 24/7 Virtual Free Mental Health Services for students available at