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Why Study Philosophy?

Excerpts from “Why Major in Philosophy” at by Andrea Borghini published by

According to a USC magazine, undergraduates who majored in Philosophy report earnings that rank highest among humanities majors... read more

“The Examined Life Is Worth It, Regardless"

To reflect on the most important principles shaping your conduct and your worldview is one of the most valuable activities you can engage in your life. If you do it properly, no matter what your future will be, you will have built the most essential tools to face it.


The study of philosophy encourages both oral and written creative thinking. Because of the persuasive character of philosophy, you will be trained to criticize arguments and to come up with alternative proposals. This is but an exercise in creativity, which may be precious to you no matter your future occupation…

Better Logic

Philosophy is based on arguing and hence it induces acquaintance with the logic of good and bad arguing. On top of this, most philosophy programs also do require a course in critical thinking or symbolic logic. This is the reason why philosophy students on average are very good at spotting faulty lines of reasoning, such as those on fishy contracts…

Fundamental Questions

Philosophy is typically devoted to fundamental questions. Hence, philosophy students will typically be educated to think about the most basic assumptions within the issue they are facing. Again, this skill can be momentous in a vast spectrum of situations.”


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Associate Degree: Major Code 1509.00

Career Options

Philosophy can be good preparation for entering many fields including:

Law: Philosophy prepares you for the kinds of logical reasoning and conceptual analysis necessary to succeed in law school. And you will understand the ethical and political traditions which underlie our legal system.

Education: Philosophy and critical thinking are taught at virtually every public and private four-year college and research university in the country, as well as at some public and private high schools.

Journalism: Studying philosophy teaches you to write well, analyze facts critically, and conduct research. Courses in ethics, political philosophy, and the history of ideas expands your conceptual repertoire and provide essential background knowledge to be an informed journalists.

Publishing: Publishing employs many people with backgrounds in the humanities, including philosophy majors. These majors are usually seen as good preparation for work.

Politics and Public Policy: Like political science or government, a philosophy major is often excellent preparation for positions in state or national civil services, policy research institutions, jobs as congressional aides and researchers, and so on.

Public Relations: In addition to writing and analytic skills, philosophical studies help to develop one’s ability to convey complex ideas to audiences. An ability to help justify an institution's work, and to develop consistent policies on controversial issues, is also an important asset for PR work.

Business and Management: Many students with undergraduate majors or minors in philosophy go on to successful careers in business or management. Large firms often look for people who have an all-round liberal arts education—which trains their mind for analysis—excellent communication skills, and an understanding of people.

Art and Architecture: In aesthetics and in other areas, theories of meaning, culture, society, and philosophy have been a significant inspiration for innovation in art and architecture.

We Are Shaped By Our Thoughts; We Become What We Think